Lighting in a bottle!
The roadmap for legacy succession planning.
Antwain and Andrea are “Tag-Teaming” to deliver an incredible experience in lifelong learning. In this master class you will receive research methodologies, life experiences, and best demonstrated practice strategies for career development.

What makes this Professional Development Online Course unique?
Many courses focus on theory built around traditional concepts of learning; however, “Lighting in a Bottle” is designed to show you the process that writing creates a “Resilient Mindset.” This course provides experiential learning techniques with practical skills you can use immediately.
With your Tate “Development” and “Activity” Journal you will learn how to categorize, and quantify your amazing thoughts, aspirations, and dreams. This dynamic leadership tool will sharpen individual competencies and create the roadmap for legacy succession planning.
Your family will be able to find your “Secret Sauce.”
By the end of this course, you will be able to apply core leadership competencies in order to build your own definition of professional success. The importance of journaling cannot be underrated. Your thoughts are important and with this tool you can connect them to words.
How to build your own definition of professional success
Many of our loved ones have vast experiences and we do not have the notes. Can you imagine if we had the notes from our veterans, grand ma’s recipes, mechanics, teachers, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers and many more? No worries! You will have something that will be worth more than the furniture one day. Your notes from your amazing experiences are valuable and you can pass this on to the next generation.
Who can benefit from the Tate Development and Activity Journal course?
Individuals who are moving into their careers
Military and veterans transitioning to the workforce
Business professionals who what promotion
Executive C-Suite leaders
Our community seniors
Anyone can begin the process of career development and
create legacy succession plans.

Tate Development & Activity Journal Course Tools
You will be writing into two very special tools.
Tate Development and Activity Journal (A Legacy Self-Reflection Tool)
Tate Workbook (A Career Building Tool)
You will have engaged in video lessons and workbook exercises. We are sharing our digestible knowledge from multiple disciplines to give you a stellar online experience.
Nine Custom Units of Core Competencies
We are excited about what you will learn from each unit, as help you apply practical application of key professional development components. You will complete nine key units and you will have the ability to pause the course at any time, as you will be writing in both of your learning tools.

How will your learning growth be measured?
Our Tate Atlas © will provide an opportunity for you to self-reflect on resiliency strategies and leader mindset approaches with quantitative and qualitative analytics. Data is very important and will further allow you to stretch in new uncharted areas of your personal development.
You will receive a Pre- and Post-Assessment of Your Learning. The assessment process will help you demonstrate your understanding of the competencies learned in each unit and are built on best demonstrated practices in experiential learning.
You will be excited about the new epiphany’s that will surface from reviewing your personal analytics. At the end of the course, you will receive your pre and post results and we will email the results to you.
Ready for your
1-on-1 Coaching?
If you have successfully completed The Lighting in the Bottle-Roadmap for Legacy succession Planning Course and have not scheduled your 30 min 1-on-1 Coaching session, please use the calendar to select a time and day that works best for you.